Combat Rules

Structured Time

There are times when characters' actions have to be carefully charted, most often in combat but also in other intense, time-sensitive tasks. This is known as Structured Time, and it is broken down into Rounds, Turns, and Actions.

  • Rounds. A Round consists of every character in the encounter taking a single Turn. Although characters take actions in a strict order, in reality they are assumed to be acting roughly simultaneously; either way, a Round usually consists of about 5 seconds.
  • Turns. Each character gets one Turn per Round in which to act. During this Turn, the character can perform one or more actions. Turn order is determined by Initiative Order.
  • Actions. Characters use Actions on their turn in order to accomplish goals- moving, shooting and diving for cover are all actions. A character may perform either one Full Action or two Half Actions a turn. They also gain a Reaction, which may be used for actions during other characters' turns.

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Combat Structure

Combats are structured in a six-step structure seen below.

  • Step One: Set Layout. Before combat begins, the GM lays out the combat zone, including the locations of all known characters and the locale in which they're fighting.
  • Step Two: Determine Surprise. At the beginning of each combat, the GM determines if any characters are surprised. Surprised characters lose their first turn and may take no reactions; furthermore, attack actions against them take a +30 bonus. If no one is Surprised, move directly to step three.
  • Step Three: Determine Initiative. Every character rolls initiative, which is determined by rolling a 1d10 plus their Agility Bonus. Once everyone's Initiative has been established, they are placed into the Initiative Order, which is a list from highest to lowest. If two characters share the same initiative score, then the character with the higher Agility is placed higher; if they have the same Agility, then roll a 1d10 for each, with whoever scoring higher being placed higher.
  • Step Four: Participants take Turns. The Round now begins. After effects marked as 'Start of the Round' trigger, the characters then take a Turn, going in descending order starting with the character highest in the initiative order. Note that 'Start of Character's Turn' refers to before they take any actions; 'End of Character's Turn' refers to after they have taken actions. Once every character has taken a Turn, the Round ends.
  • Step Five: End of Round. After every character takes an action, the Round is now over. Any effects which are marked as acting or ending at the 'end of the round' now trigger.
  • Step Six: End of Encounter. Repeat Steps Four and Five until the combat is finished (which may be when all enemies are dead or when the PCs escape) or until the task that triggered a movement into Structured Time is over.

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Each character receives one Turn per Round. During their Turn they may perform actions. There are five types of Actions: Full Actions, Half Actions, Reactions, Free Actions and Extended Actions. They may perform their actions in any order they choose.

  • Full Actions. Representing complex or intensive tasks, a character may perform one Full Action per Turn. A character who performs a Full Action may not perform any Half Actions.
  • Half Actions. Representing fairly complex but not so complex as to take all of the character's attention, a character may perform two Half Actions per Turn.
  • Reactions. Reactions are special Actions that may be used on other characters' turns. They're most often used for evading incoming attacks.
  • Free Actions. Free Actions are for actions which take next to no attention or time to execute. There is no formal limit on Free Actions, but players are warned to keep any Free Action uses reasonable.
  • Extended Actions. Extended Reactions are for actions which take more than one round to execute. A character performing an Extended Action may or may not be told how long it will take; it may depend on passing tests or just dedicating actions. A character using an Extended Action may do nothing else that turn. If a character is interrupted during this time (ie. is unable to do nothing but Extended action), depending on the action, they will be forced to start again.

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Attacking is a highly common action in combat for obvious reasons. Attacks are executed in the following way.

  • Step One: Choose Attack Action. You choose a valid attack action and a valid target. For melee attacks, this almost always requires you to be adjacent to your enemy; with ranged attacks, then this requires you to shoot at an enemy within Maximum Distance of your weapon, which is double your weapon's stated range.
  • Step Two: Apply Modifiers. Attack actions often come with many modifiers. Charging, aiming or attacking from higher ground all grants bonuses to a test, whilst shooting through fog or when fatigued apply penalties.
  • Step Three: Make the Attack Test. You now make the Attack Test, which is a WS test (for melee and thrown melee weapons) or a BS test (for ranged weapons). If the Test is a pass, then the attack has hit. Certain Attack Actions may incur extra hits depending on the attack type and the number of Degrees of Success generated. Certain attacks may use different characteristics; in this case, they're done in replacement of either WS or BS and receive the same bonuses.
  • Step Four: Enemy Attempts Evasion. The enemy now may make an evasion action: they may try to Deflect with an AT Field or, if they have a Reaction, try to dodge or parry. If they pass their test, then they evade the attack. If the Attack Action was one that scored multiple hits per Test, then you evade one hit per Degree of Success. If there are any hits left over after this step, proceed to Step Five.
  • Step Five: Roll Damage. You now roll Damage, which is dependent on the weapon you are using. Melee attacks usually add your SB to the damage total. During this step, you may replace a single damage die result with the Degrees of Success you gained from the Attack Test. If your attack was one that generated multiple hits, only one of these attacks may have their damage die result replaced with DoS.
  • Step Five-A: Confirm Righteous Fury. If you rolled a natural maximum on a damage die (for example, a 10 on a 1d10 or a 5 on a 1d5), then you have the chance for a Righteous Fury. Make a test with the same characteristic you used for the Attack Test, but without any of the Modifiers. If you pass, the attack deals an extra 1d10 damage (even if the attack only used a 1d5). If this roll is also a 10, then you automatically roll another righteous fury 1d10; this continues until you roll something other than a 1d10. Note that Qualities that modify Righteous Fury thresholds (eg. Vengeful) only modify Fury for the very first attack; the rest require a 10. Note that only characters possessing Fate Points can trigger Righteous Fury.
  • Step Six: Determine Soak. The Enemy now determines their Soak Value, which is their TB, plus AP, with the latter reduced by the Penetration of your attack. If their Soak Value is higher than your damage, then the attack is negated; otherwise proceed.
  • Step Seven: Deal Damage. The Enemy now loses a number of wounds equal to dealt damage. Most characters perish if they are dropped to 0 wounds; characters with Fate Points instead take Lethal Damage when taking damage past 0 wounds.

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Unarmed Attacks

Sometimes, attacks are settled with fists, knees or a solid shoulder. In this case you are always treated as having an Unarmed weapon available. Unarmed attacks deal 1d5-3+SB impact damage with no penetration, and count as having the Unarmed and Primitive qualities. If the damage dealt is equal to or higher than the target's TB, they suffer a level of fatigue. Unarmed attacks can be modified with the Unarmed Warrior and Master traits. They are not the same as Natural Weapons.
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Ranged Weapon Range Brackets

Ranged Weapons, abilities and attacks fall into one of six Range Brackets, illustrated below.

  • Assault Range. This is within 10m of the attacker.
  • Close Range. This is within 30m of the attacker.
  • Medium Range. This is within 60m of the attacker.
  • Long Range. This is within 100m of the attacker.
  • Very Long Range. This is within 150m of the attacker.
  • Longshot. This is anywhere within the attacker's line of sight and effect. Longshot attacks always possess the Longshot Quality.

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Some entities are capable of flight. Instead of working out exact altitudes using complex equations, we use three broad altitude bands for flying creatures and vehicles. The altitudes, in ascending are Ground, Low and High.

  • Ground altitude includes anything walking on the ground or at most, hovering a metre or two above the ground.
  • Low counts as being the equivalent to 60m off the ground. Ground characters both cannot melee attack Flying Low targets and take a -20 penalty to all other attack tests against them. Flying Low characters suffer no penalties for attacking characters on the same altitude.
  • High counts as being extremely high, anywhere above 4-600m. Characters at this altitude cannot attack characters or be attacked by characters at lower altitude, unless they possess a specially long-ranged weapon, as per GM's approval.

Characters who can fly may move one band up or down as part of a half move action, or two bands up or down as part of a Full Move, Charge or Run action.

If a character in the air begins to fall (either due to its flight systems being knocked out etc) it falls one band at the end of each round; once it moves from Low to Ground, it crashes and takes falling damage. If they started at High, they take 200m equivalent of damage; if they started at Low they take 60m instead.
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Ailments are special modifiers that apply a detrimental effect to a target. They are divided into two categories: Physical and Mental.

  • When appropriate, Physical ailments are resisted through Endurance or Toughness; mental by Magic Resistance or Willpower.

Special Combat Effects

Special Combat Effects are actions and effects unique to the Persona system, which adds a sense of momentum, teamwork and decisiveness to the flow of battle. They are One More, Baton Pass, Critical Hits, Technical Hits, Special Damage and All Out Attacks.

Critical Hits

Special rolls during damage results can trigger a Critical Hit, which adds new effects.

  • When rolling for damage, if you score a 10 on any dice, you have the chance to land a Critical Hit. If your damage die is 1d5 instead, you score a Critical on a roll of 5.
  • After rolling a 10 (or a 5 for 1d5s), you then roll to confirm (known as a Critical Confirm test). This is a flat test using whichever characteristic the attack used; it is not modified by fatigue, range, or any other bonuses whatsoever unless they specifically say they modify Critical Confirm tests.
  • Should you successfully confirm the Critical, then you gain Special Damage.

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Special Damage

Several actions effects gain 'Special Damage'.

  • Any attack that gains Special Damage gains an extra 1d10 in damage. This 1d10 can score a Critical Hit effect as normal.
  • If an attack gains multiple sources of Special Damage, such as (for example) an attack that hits a Weakness and Criticals at the same time, then you do not gain extra 1d10s. Instead, if the Special Damage 1d10 rolls a 10, then it becomes an 'exploding die', meaning you roll another 1d10 damage, adding another 1d10 each time you roll a 10.

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Each character receives one Turn per Round. During their Turn they may perform actions. There are five types of Actions: Full Actions, Half Actions, Reactions, Free Actions and Extended Actions. They may perform their actions in any order they choose.

  • Full Actions. Representing complex or intensive tasks, a character may perform one Full Action per Turn. A character who performs a Full Action may not perform any Half Actions.
  • Half Actions. Representing fairly complex but not so complex as to take all of the character's attention, a character may perform two Half Actions per Turn.
  • Reactions. Reactions are special Actions that may be used on other characters' turns. They're most often used for evading incoming attacks.
  • Free Actions. Free Actions are for actions which take next to no attention or time to execute. There is no formal limit on Free Actions, but players are warned to keep any Free Action uses reasonable.
  • Extended Actions. Extended Reactions are for actions which take more than one round to execute. A character performing an Extended Action may or may not be told how long it will take; it may depend on passing tests or just dedicating actions. A character using an Extended Action may do nothing else that turn. If a character is interrupted during this time (ie. is unable to do nothing but Extended action), depending on the action, they will be forced to start again.

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Action List

Below is the full list of Actions available to a character. Note that Actions often possess Action Subtypes, which determine how they may be used. For example, an Immobilized character may not make Movement based actions.

A Character may only perform one Concentration Subtype Action per turn and one Attack Subtype Action per turn. Reactions with this subtype may still be undertaken, as Reactions are considered to exist outside of the normal Turn Order.

Name Type or Subname Action Description
Attack Actions
Aim Concentration Half or Full Aiming as a Half Action grants a +10 bonus to your next attack test, whilst Aiming as a Full Action grants a +20 bonus. The next action you perform after an Aim action must be an attack action, or else the bonus is lost. If you perform a Reaction (such as a dodge or parry) before making your attack, this bonus is also lost. Aiming may be used with both melee or ranged attacks.
Attack of Opportunity Attack, Concentration, Melee Free Action If an enemy is engaged in melee with you and undertakes an Movement-type action in order to leave combat with you, unless the action is the Disengage action you may make a Standard Attack against them as a Free Action.
Burst: Semi-Auto Attack, Ranged Full Action You must be wielding a ranged weapon with a Semi-auto capacity. You make a BS test, with a +10 bonus if the attack is braced. If you succeed you score a hit, plus one extra hit per 2 Degrees of Success. Maximum hits may not exceed a weapon's semi-auto capacity. Extra hits may be allocated to the same target, or to another target within 2m/dm/2km of the first target, provided none of the new targets would be harder to hit than the original target. Burst attacks jam on a 94 or higher. If you are wielding two weapons and have the appropriate talents, you may make a secondary attack with this weapon as part of this action.
Burst: Full-Auto Attack, Ranged Full Action You must be wielding a ranged weapon with a Full-Auto capacity. You make a BS test, with a -10 penalty unless the attack is braced. If you succeed you score a hit, plus one extra hit per Degree of Success. Maximum hits may not exceed a weapon's semi-auto capacity. Extra hits may be allocated to the same target, or to another target within 2m/dm/2km of the first target, provided none of the new targets would be harder to hit than the original target. Burst attacks jam on a 94 or higher. If you are wielding two weapons and have the appropriate talents, you may make a secondary attack with this weapon as part of this action.
Called Shot Attack, Melee or Ranged Full Action You make a single melee attack against a specific location on an enemy's body. This counts as a Standard Attack against a specific body part with a -20 penalty. At the GM's discretion, this action may be used to attack specific locations on creatures or in the environment, such as a weapon or a lock on a door.
Cautious Action Concentration, Melee (Parry) or Ranged (Dodge) Half Action You suffer a -10 penalty to any WS or BS tests made this turn, but take a +10 bonus to Parry or Evasion tests until the start of your next turn. If you intend to use this action, it must be the first action used on your turn. If you are in cover, any ranged attacks against you must reroll to-hit rolls and take your preferred result.
Charge Attack, Melee, Movement Full Action You rush at a foe; this foe must be within range of your Charge Move, and you must finish the charge by moving in a 4m long straight line. Once you reach your target, you make a single melee attack by taking a WS test with a +20 bonus; on a success, you score one hit. You may make a Grapple or Knockdown action in place of an attack as part of a Charge action.
Counter-Attack Attack, Melee Free Action Requires Counter-Attack Talent. Whenever you successfully parry a melee attack, you may, as part of the parry action, instantly make a free melee attack against the attacker. This attack takes a -20 WS penalty to hit. After performing a single Counter-Attack, you may not perform another until the start of your next turn.
Disarm Melee Full Action Requires Disarm Talent. You may attempt to disarm an opponent within melee range. You make an Opposed WS Test with the target; on a success, the opponent drops a single held object of your choice to the ground. If you score three or more Degrees of Success, you may instead choose to take the item from the opponent. The Advanced Disarm Talent adds a +20 bonus to your test.
Feint Melee Half Action You make an opposed WS Test against a single target. On a success, so long as it is the next action you take, your next melee Standard or Called attack against this target may not be parried or dodged. This also applies to the Guardian action, but not to the Protect Ally action.
Flurry: Swift Attack Attack, Melee Full Action You must possess the Swift Attack talent to use this action. You make a WS test; if you succeed you score a hit against an enemy in melee range, plus one extra hit per 2 Degrees of Success. Maximum hits may not exceed your WSB. Extra hits may be allocated to the same target, or to another target in melee range, provided none of the new targets would be harder to hit than the original targets. If you are wielding two weapons and have the appropriate talents, you may make a secondary attack with this weapon as part of this action.
Flurry: Lightning Attack Attack, Melee Full Action You must possess the Lightning Attack talent to use this action. You make a WS test with a -10 penalty; if you succeed you score a hit against an enemy in melee range, plus one extra hit per Degree of Success. Maximum hits may not exceed your WSB. Extra hits may be allocated to the same target, or to another target in melee range, provided none of the new targets would be harder to hit than the original targets. If you are wielding two weapons and have the appropriate talents, you may make a secondary attack with this weapon as part of this action.
Grapple (Initiate) Attack, Melee Full Action You make a WS Test against a single target. You must have at least one hand free in order to perform a Grapple attack, and may use a Grapple in place of an attack as part of a Charge. The target may not Parry this attack, but they may Dodge it as normal. On a success, you and your opponent begin to grapple with you in control. Participants in a grapple may perform special actions and must follow certain rules, shown below. If you are the controller of a Grapple, you must take the 'Grapple' Full Action on your turn, or the Grapple ends; once you have taken this action, you may instantly perform one of the special Controller actions below (or one of the 'Either' actions). Anyone may use the 'Either' actions, and the Restrained actions are open only to the Restrained participant.
- Participate in Grapple - You are grappling with an opponent. Participants in a Grapple may not Parry or Dodge or Sacrifice attacks, although they may Deflect. Participants are counted as being in melee, and furthermore anyone outside of a grapple attacking a participant takes a +20 WS bonus. Participants in a Grapple may only perform Grapple actions. A Grapple may only have two participants (a Controller and a Restrained), but each participant may have up to two allies to assist in certain situations.
- Controller: Damage - You may attempt to harm your opponent by making an opposed Strength test against your opponent. On a success, you inflict Unarmed (or melee Natural Weapon) damage to your target's Body, and deal a single level of Fatigue. Allies may assist on this action.
- Controller: Push - You may attempt to force your opponent to move by making an opposed Strength test against your opponent. On a success, you push your opponent 1km in a direction of your choice, plus another km per Degree of Success. This distance may not exceed your Half Move distance. You may move with the target and maintain grapple; if you do not move with the target, then the grapple ends. Allies may assist on this action.
- Controller: Ready Item - You may ready one of your items. If the GM allows, you may instead use this action to grab an item belonging to your opponent.
- Controller: Release Grapple Free Action You may release your opponent if you are in control of a grapple. This release may come at the start of your turn, or after you've performed a Grapple action.
- Controller: Stand - If both participants are on the ground, you can use this to regain your feet. You may also attempt to drag your opponent with you as part of this action; you make an opposed Strength test and, on a success, pull your opponent up with you. Allies may assist on this action.
- Controller: Throw Down - You may attempt to wrestle your opponent to the ground by making an Opposed Strength test against your opponent. On a success, your target is knocked prone. You gain a +10 bonus to Grapple tests against a Prone opponent; this stacks with the standard +10 bonus gained against prone opponents. Allies may assist on this action.
- Controller: Use Item - You may use a readied item.
- Either: Activate Power Full Action You may activate a single Full Action or less Spell that you possess, following all the normal rules for Spell. The target of this Spell does not need to be the other participant in a grapple; however, Spell that would physically move you may not be used.
- Either: Shadow/Compact/Natural Weapon Standard Attack Full Action You may make a Standard Attack against a target, following all the usual rules of a Standard Attack, using either a Natural, Light or Pistol weapon. This target does not need to be the other participant in a grapple.
- Restrained: Break Free Half Action You may attempt to break free of the grapple by making an opposed Strength test against the controller. On a success, you break free.
- Restrained: Slip Free Half Action You may attempt to slip free of the grapple by making an opposed Acrobatics test against the controller's Strength. On a success, you slip free.
- Restrained: Take Control Half Action You may attempt to take control of the grapple by making an opposed Strength test against the controller. If you succeed, you become the Controller and your opponent becomes the Restrained. You may then instantly perform one of the Controller actions (but not one of the Either actions). Allies may assist on this action.
Guard Mode Attack, Melee Full Action Until the start of your next turn, enemies take a -20 penalty to attacks and Critical Confirm tests against you.
Heavy Attack Attack, Melee Full Action You make a single melee attack against a target. This attack gains a +30 bonus to hit and a +10 bonus to Super Hit Threshold, but regardless of if you succeed or fail, you take a -20 penalty to Parry or Evasion tests until the start of your next turn.
Knock Down Attack, Melee Half Action You make an Opposed Strength test against a single target; if made after a Half Move action you gain a +10 bonus, and may be made in place of an attack with a charge action. If you win, your target is knocked prone. If you surpass your enemy's DoS by two or more, you may choose to deal Unarmed damage to the target and inflict a level of fatigue against them. If the target wins, then they keep their footing; If they surpass yours DoS by two or more, then you are knocked prone instead.
Maneuver Melee, Movement Half Action You can force a target to move by making an opposed Weapon Skill test; on a success, the target is shifted 1km in a direction of your choice. If desired, you may advance 1km as well. If forced into an obstacle (eg. A wall, another person) then both they and the obstacle (if applicable) take a -10 penalty to any attack or movement action tests made until the start of their next turn. They may also be pushed off ledges.
Multiple Attack Attack, Melee or Ranged Half Action Requires you to possess a weapon in each hand and the Two Weapon Wielder talents (Melee for melee weapons, Ranged for ranged; if you have a melee and ranged weapon both, then you need both talents). You make an attack with both weapons, rolling separately for each: WS-20 for melee weapons, BS-20 for ranged weapons, with a further -20 penalty on your offhand. If you possess the Ambidextrous talent, these penalties become -10 and the offhand penalty is lost; the Blade Dancer reduces the penalty for balanced melee weapons to 0, and Gunslinger reduces the penalty for pistols and Carbines to 0. The first attack you make with a Multiple Attack may be a Standard, Flurry (melee) or Burst (ranged) attack (as appropriate), so long as you have the requisite talents; the second attack may be a Standard or Burst (ranged) attack.
Overwatch Attack, Concentration, Ranged Full Action You declare a kill zone around yourself, then specify a Ranged attack action (Standard or Bursts), along with the conditions on which you will perform the attack (for example, "Any enemy performs an action", "Enemy out of reactions," "Specific enemy attacks", "Enemy attacks specific ally"). This attack occurs the moment the conditions are met. If it occurs at the same time as another character's action, you make an opposed Agility test against that character to see who goes first (if the character is an ally, they may voluntarily fail). After the attack is resolved, even if it missed, targets must make a Pinning test or become Pinned on wherever location they were when they triggered the attack's conditions. If you perform any actions, such as dodging, before Overwatch resolves, your Overwatch immediately ends. (Doesn't include Free Actions such as talking.)
Standard Attack Attack, Melee or Ranged Half Action You make either a single Melee attack by testing WS or a single-shot Ranged attack by testing BS, with a +10 bonus. On a success, you inflict one hit on the target.
Stun Attack, Melee Half Action You may attempt to stun an opponent by testing WS-20. On a success, they suffer a Stun hit; roll 1d10+SB and compare the result to your target's TB+Head AP; if your roll is equal or higher to this value, then the target is stunned for 1 turn, plus an extra amount equal to the difference between the two values. The target also gains a level of fatigue.
Suppressive Fire Attack, Ranged Full Action This action requires you to possess a weapon with either Semi or Full Auto capacity. You declare a kill zone, which is a 30 degree arc (if firing semi-auto) or a 60 degree arc (if firing full auto) in the direction you are facing. As part of the action, you fire either a Semi or Full auto burst, with a -20 penalty in place of any bonuses. Any enemies within the arc (regardless of hits) make a Pinning Test with a -10 penalty (for semi-auto) or a -20 penalty (for full-auto); on a failure they are pinned. If you succeed on your BS test, the GM randomly allocates hits with your weapon to targets within the kill zone, with every 2 degrees of success resulting in an extra hit on another random victim to the max of semi/full capacity. Burst attacks jam on a 94 or higher.
Take Down Attack, Melee Half Action Requires Takedown talent. You make a single Melee attack by testing WS against a target. On a success, roll for damage; if the attack deals at least one point of damage, then the damage is negated and instead your target must take a Toughness test or be stunned for one round. The target takes a -10 penalty if you deal more damage than their TB; this penalty increases by 10 for every multiple of their TB (So TB3 takes a -20 penalty at 6 damage or more).
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