Lilly Norling

Name: Lilly Norling
Callsign: Honey Badger
Position: First Lieutenant and leader of Varangian Squad
Sex: Female
Age: 19 (Born 1998)
Nationality: Swedish
Place of Residence: Paris-2 Geofront

Physical Details
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5'7"
Build: Athletic

Personal Details
"This is Honey Badger, moving in for the kill! Timber Wolf, on my six!"
Lilly's theme

Lilly Norling has always wanted to be a soldier. The only child to a single father, from a young age Lilly was expected to help her father hunt, and it was a task in which she excelled. It gave her a sense of confidence, an active life style- and, of course, skill with firearms. Her father, understandably, did not think much of her ambitions. Nevertheless, when Lilly's great uncle- an instructor at the new Gustavus Military Academy- promised her a scholarship to the academy, her father acquiesced, even though it worried him.

Lilly was an excellent student, and her scores and aptitude caught the eye of greater powers- ones that believed she was, in fact, destined for something greater. She was assigned to the Varangian Project, a secret HIC project designed to build on the flaws and strengths of both the Solace and the T-RIDEN-T series. The result was the E-Destroyer-V, a smaller, faster model over the T-RIDEN-T, bearing more advanced weaponry and enhanced piloting capabilities. Lilly was chosen as the squad leader for First Squad.

Lilly is intelligent, but most people remember her most defining quality traits- her ferocity, confidence and tenacity. Lilly seems to be genuinely unable to back away from a challenge no matter what it is, instead charging into the fray- and the only way she's walking out is if she's victorious. It was these qualities and other that earned her the call-sign of 'Honey Badger'.

Character Details

Character Details
Name Lilly Norling Gender Female
Background NeoSpartan Career Dervish/Pointman
XP Total 35600 Rank 6

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Vital Statistics


Name Value Bonus Modifiers
Weapon Skill 63 6 Expert
Ballistic Skill 62 6 Expert
Strength 57 5 Expert
Toughness 54 5 Expert
Agility 60 6 Expert
Intelligence 32 3 -
Perception 51 5 Expert
Willpower 51 5 Expert
Fellowship 25 2 -

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Wounds: 26 Fate Total: 2
Insanity: 0/100 Ego Barrier: 100/100
WUP Pool: 0

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Asset Effect
Driven You gain a conditional fate point to spend when facing superior foes or bad odds.
Fast Increase your P-Scale AB by 1 for the purpose of speed.
Gifted (Strength) Strength upgrades are one step cheaper.
Soldier Gain the Jaded, Arms Master and This Gun Is Mine talents.

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Drawback Effect
Big Ego In any situation where someone else proves themselves to be more skilled than you, you must take a Willpower+10 test. On a failure, at the next available opportunity you must choose an action that has at least a -20 net penalty attached to it, preferably something flashy and attention-getting. On a Willpower success, however, you instead take a -10 penalty to Intelligence, Perception and Fellowship for an hour.
Prejudice (Bioexotics) Take a -20 penalty to interactions with Bioexotics.
Short Fuse Whenever you are confronted or otherwise stressed or agitated, you must pass a Willpower Test or fly into a rage, taking it out on the environment and/or people around you.

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Trait Effect
Know your Enemy (Evangelions) Gain the Favoured Enemy (Evas) talent.
Signature Style (Basic Bolter) Gain +1 Damage and Penetration with Basic Bolters.
Antagonistic You take a -10 penalty to Charm tests, and anyone with the Short Fuse drawback takes a -10 penalty to resist stupid bullshit you say or do.
Rival (Zhang Yanmei) Whenever you are in a battle alongside Zhang Yanmei, you must manage at least two of the following objectives: deal more magnitude damage; deal more Willpower damage; defeat more special enemies, measured in fate point worth; survive longer. On a failure, you take a level of fatigue that persists until the end of the next Strategic Turn.

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Decoherency Effect Tested Characteristic Ego Threshold

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Instability Effect Ego Threshold

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Disorders Effect Insanity Threshold

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Basic Skills

Skill Name Characteristic Proficient Trained Mastery Bonuses
Acrobatics Agi X X X Talented
Athletics Str X X X -
Awareness Per X X X -
Carouse Tou X - - -
Charm Fel - - - -
Chem Use Int - - - -
Command Fel X - - -
Commerce Int - - - -
Deceive Fel - - - -
Demolitions Fel - - - -
Disguise Fel - - - -
Dodge Agi - - - -
Inquiry Fel - - - -
Intimidate Str X X - -
Literacy Int - - - -
Logic Int X - - -
Medicae Int - - - -
Parry WS - - - -
Scrutiny Per X X - -
Security Int X X - -
Sleight of Hand Agi - - - -
Stealth Agi X X X -
Survival Per X X X -
Tech Use Int - - - -

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Specialist Skills

Skill Name Specialisation Characteristic Proficient Trained Mastery Bonuses
Common Lore War Int X - - -
- - Int - - - -
Navigate - Int - - - -
- - Int - - - -
Operate Land Civilian Agi X X X -
- Land Military Agi X X X -
- Superheavy Agi X X X -
Scholastic Lore - Int - - - -
- - Int - - - -
Speak Language English Int X - - -
- Swedish Int X - - -
Trade - Int - - - -

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Weapon Proficiencies

Weapon Class Weapon Type Proficient Specialized Mastery
Melee General General X X X
- Prog X - -
Basic Bolt X X X
- Fusion X - -
- General X - -
- Maser X - -
- Positron X - -
Heavy Bolt X X X
- Fusion - - -
- General - - -
- Maser - - -
- Positron - - -
Pistol Bolt X X X
- Fusion X - -
- General X - -
- Maser X - -
- Positron X - -

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Basic Combat Talents

Talent Name Talent Sub-Title Effect
Ambidextrous - Do not take -20 penalty to hit when making attacks with your off hand. If used with the Two Weapon Wielder talent, reduce the to-hit penalty with both weapons to -10.
Arms Master - Take a -10 penalty when wielding weapons without Proficiency instead of -20.
Commission Bolter (E Scale) 1 P or E-Scale weapon now always free. May take 4 RP of upgrades for weapon, and may allocate 1 Commissioned upgrade to any weapon
- Commando Bolter (P-Scale) 1 P or E-Scale weapon now always free. May take 4 RP of upgrades for weapon, and may allocate 1 Commissioned upgrade to any weapon
Favoured Enemy Evangelions Select one type of enemy (eg. Stormtroopers, Iron Guard, E-Destroyers). You and all allies within visual and audio range take a +10 to hit this type of enemy.
This Gun is Mine - Unjam Ballistic Weapons automatically as a Half Action.
Two Weapon Wielder Ballistic When armed with two guns, you may spend a Full Action to make an attack with both, at a -20 penalty. When used with the Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) talent, lets you attack with a gun and a melee weapon at the same time.
Two Weapon Wielder Melee When armed with two melee weapons, you may spend a Full Action to make an attack with both, at a -20 penalty. When used with the Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) talent, lets you attack with a gun and a melee weapon at the same time.
Quick Draw - Use the Ready action as a Free Action.

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Proficiency and Skill Talents

Name Sub-Class Effect

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Melee Talents

Talent Name Talent Sub-Title Effect
Assassin Strike - Free. After making melee attack, may make Acrobatics test. On a success, may freely move Half Move.
Assault Jump - Melee attacks made after a Float or A-Type Jump count as a charge.
Berserk Charge - Charge. +10 bonus to charge, total +20.
Blademaster - Once per Round. Reroll attack made with bladed weapon.
Combat Master - Deny enemies the Ganging Up bonus against you.
Counter-Attack - On parrying attack, may make Standard Attack on attacker with -20 penalty. May trigger this once per round.
Crippling Strike - Deal +2 Critical Damage with Melee Weapons.
Crushing Blow - Extra melee damage equal to WSB/2.
Death from Above - When using the Assault Jump talent, you deal extra damage equal to your AB/2.
Double Team - Increase Gang-Up bonus by +10.
Flesh Render - +2 Damage with Tearing or Prog weapons. Grant Devastating (3) to melee attacks.
Furious Assault - All Out Attack. Expend Reaction when making All-Out attack to deal a second attack. May not be used in conjunction with another reaction-expending attack talent.
Gravity Kick - Charge, Height. Make a WS test against a single enemy below you. On a hit, you deal normal unarmed leg damage, +1d10 damage. The attack has a Penetration value equal to 1 per 5dm fallen (or 2 per 1km in Strategic Mode). This attack may not be parried. If the attack fails to connect (either due to the enemy dodging, or the attack failing), the attack is applied to the used leg instead.
Irresistible Force - Charge. Expend a reaction to perform a Swift or Lightning Attack when making a Charge attack. May not be used in conjunction with another reaction-expending attack talent.
Lightning Attack - Full Action. Make a single attack roll. For every Degree of Success you score, you deal another hit. If you have Two Weapon Wielder, you may also make a single attack with a 2nd Melee Weapon.
Makeshift Murder - Your Improvised weapons count as 1d10+2 and do not count as Primitive.
Precise Blow - Reduce Melee attack called shot penalty by 20.
Precision Melee Touché, Fast, Cleaving, Crippling, Overwhelm, Finesse Whenever you select this talent, choose one of the abilities below. You may only apply a single Precision Melee effect at any one time.
Street Fighting - +2 Critical Damage with a knife or unarmed attack.
Sure Strike - Do not have to reverse to-hit rolls to determine location of damage.
Swift Attack - Full Action. Make a single Attack roll. For every 2 Degrees of Success you score, you deal another hit. If you have Two Weapon Wielder, you may also make a single attack with a 2nd Melee Weapon.
Unarmed Warrior - Unarmed Attacks deal 1d10+SB-2 damage, and no longer Unarmed.
Unarmed Master - Unarmed Attacks deal 1d10+SB damage, and no longer Primitive.
Whirlwind of Death - On dealing a melee attack against a Horde that deals damage, you deal extra Magnitude Damage equal to your Weapon Skill Bonus. You may not use this talent twice in one turn unless you attack two different Hordes. Full Action: Make a single melee attack against all adjacent enemies, up to an amount equal to your WSB.

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Ranged Talents

Talent Name Talent Sub-Title Effect
Assault Shooter - May fire Basic/Heavy weapons in melee. Heavy weapons have -20 penalty, basic have 0, and pistols count as having the Point Blank bonus.
Barrage - +1 Degrees of Success with Ranged attacks.
Crack Shot - +2 critical damage from ranged attacks.
Dual Shot - Full. Dual-Wielding Ranged. Make a single BS test- do not suffer any penalties from dual-wielding. On a hit, roll damage for both weapons. The enemy's AP reduces both damage rolls individually, but TB only counts once against the combined damage of both attacks (after AP). A single dodge test will avoid both blows.
Gun Drill Bolter, Fusion, General, Maser, Positron Whenever you select this talent, choose one of the abilities below. Weapons must have a Semi/Full function for the talents to apply.
- Bolter Drill +1 to max Semi/Full auto hits with Bolt Weapons.
Gunslinger - Reduce the penalty for dual-wielding Pistols or Carbines by -10. If taken in conjunction with Ambidextrous, the penalty is reduced to 0.
Hip Shooter - May move Full Move or Run and fire single shot with one Pistol or Carbine. However, apply -20 Penalty to BS if firing as part of a Run action, -40 if used with Sprint.
Mighty Shot - Add half of BSB to ranged weapon damage, rounding down.
Overcharge - Weapons with the 'Recharge' quality can be fired without having to wait for the recharge providing the wielder passes a flat BS check first. Each consecutive turn this talent is used adds a -20 penalty to the check. On a failure, the weapon overheats.
Precision Heavy Well-Placed, Fast, Cleaving, Overpower, Brutal, Devastate Whenever you select this talent, choose one of the abilities below. You may only apply a single Precision Heavy effect at any one time.
- Brutal Standard or Called Shot Ranged Heavy Attack: +2 Damage.
Rapid Reload - Weapon reload times are reduced by half.

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Physical Talents

Talent Name Talent Sub-Title Effect
Bulging Biceps - May fire unbraced Heavy Weapons on Semi/Full Auto without the -30 unbraced penalty. Furthermore, take a +20 Bonus when testing Athletics to increase your carrying capacity.
Burst of Speed - Once per session. You gain a +4 Agility Bonus and ignore Difficult Terrain for 5 rounds. On Strategic Maps, this talent also lets you make a single free Full Move per turn.
Catfall - Whenever you fall, test Agility or Acrobatics as a Free. On a success, and for every DoS, you reduce the distance fallen by an amount equal to your AB for the purposes of determining falling damage.
Drop Trained - Falling, 10dm or above. Always land on your feet, and treat distance as 1/3rd for purpose of falling damage.
Feat of Strength - Once per session. You gain Unnatural Strength (4) for WPB/2 Rounds.
Hardy - You always count as Lightly Wounded for the purposes of healing lost wounds.
Lightning Reflexes - Double your AB when rolling Initiative.
Sound Constitution 8 Increase your Wounds by 1 per purchase of this talent.
Sprint - +AB to movement distance when full moving, double movement distance when running. You gain a level of Fatigue if you use this talent two turns in a row.
Step Aside - Gain an extra Reaction once per round, that may be used only to Dodge.

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Mental Talents

Name Sub-Class Effect
Blind Fighting - Take half the usual penalties when fighting in situations where your vision is obscured. Includes Blindness, but BS attempts still automatically fail.
Hotblooded - +10 to Feedback tests, and may roll twice on the Shock Table and take the preferred result after failing a Fear test.
Indomitable - Reduce all Ego Damage taken by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Jaded - Unaffected by mundane horrors such as death, violence or the sight of blood.
Nerves of Steel - Reroll WP tests to resist or recover from Pinning. Furthermore, take a +20 bonus to your Opposed Test to resist uses of the Intimidate skill. This applies to Social Conflicts.
Resistance (Cold, Fear, Heat, Poison, Mental) +10 to tests to resist the chosen object.
- Cold +10 to tests to resist the chosen object.
- Heat +10 to tests to resist the chosen object.
- Poison +10 to tests to resist the chosen object.
- Mental +10 to tests to resist the chosen object.

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Piloting Talents

Talent Name Talent Sub-Title Effect
Adept Maneuvering - When your vehicle is successfully hit by an attack, you may take a free Drive or Pilot test, whichever is appropriate. On a success you treat the hit location's AP as 1 higher, +1 for every 2 degrees of success. This applies to E-Scale vehicles as well.
Aggressive Maneuver - When the character is operating an vehicle, the penalty this vehicle takes to attacks made with its weapons due to distance travelled is halved, rounded up.
Brace for Impact - When you or your passengers take damage to their person whilst in a vehicle, either as a result of a crash or otherwise, may reduce all damage taken by your Agility Bonus in conjunction with other methods of reduction. This applies to E-Scale vehicles as well.
Hotshot Pilot - On making a successful Pilot or Drive (or, if in an E-Scale vehicle, an Acrobatics or Dodge test as well) test, adds their AB/2 to the degrees of success gained by the test. Conversely, on a failed test, they reduce the degrees of failure by AB/2 as well.
Push the Limit - The character, once per round, can elect to take a +20 bonus to a Pilot or Drive test (or, if in an E-Scale vehicle, an Acrobatics or Dodge test as well). If the test is failed by a number of degrees of failure greater than the pilot's AB, however, the vehicle suffers an automatic breach to its motive systems, rolling a 2d10 on the Motive Systems table, applying the appropriate effect along with any other bonuses or penalties from breaches or critical breaches. E-Scale vehicles suffer a permanent 2d10 damage to their Agility score instead.
Rapid Repositioning - When crew a vehicle with more than one crew position, you gain a free half action that can be spent to perform any action that would require a crew position other than the one you are currently manning.
Reduce Profile - When driving or piloting a vehicle, you may treat that vehicle's size as though it were one size bracket lower for the purposes of determining modifiers to hit the vehicle. This applies to E-Scale vehicles as well.

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Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons




Starting Stats


Name Value Bonus Modifiers
Weapon Skill 43 4 Neospartan Bonus (+5)
Ballistic Skill 42 4 Neospartan Bonus (+5)
Strength 37 3 -
Toughness 34 3 -
Agility 40 4 Neospartan Bonus (+5)
Intelligence 32 3 -
Perception 31 3 -
Willpower 31 3 -
Fellowship 25 2 Neospartan Penalty (-5)

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Wounds: 16 Fate Total: 2
Insanity: 0/100 Ego Barrier: 100/100
WUP Pool: 0

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Starting Skills and talents

From Background

Command, Common Law (War)

From Assets

From Career

Speak Language (English, Swedish)

Starting Talents

Arms Master
This Gun is Mine
Melee (General)
Pistol (General)

Experience Table

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